I'm Emil, and I'm a self-taught hobbyist developer from Germany.
Welcome to my website, where I share my projects, articles and blog posts.
about me
In 2023, I started learning to code as a teenager using Swift Playgrounds.
By now, I've tried a bit of everything (Python, Godot, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Pygame, Flask, Strudel, Swift, Go). I'm still learning a bit of everything.
I only code as a hobby for fun in my free time, so I'm definitely not professional.
Beyond coding, history fascinates me.
Music is another passion of mine — I enjoy both listening and creating (with my Guitar + Akai MPK mini + GarageBand).
Occasionally, I play low-elo
chess and
AoE2 at a noob level.
Most of the time, I call myself 'em-ge' online.
about this Website
This website first went online in April 2024 and was my first big project.
The prototype of this website was built using a Flask web server. The site still runs on Flask.
Here, you can view the complete code in a repository on GitHub.
I am still working on this website and try to improve it, so please forgive any errors or issues you may encounter.
designed and developed by emil gerlach
Despite careful content control, I assume no liability for the content of external links.
The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.