I'm Emil, and I'm a self-taught hobbyist developer from Germany.
Welcome to my website, where I share my projects, articles and blog posts.

about me

In 2023, I started learning to code as a teenager using Swift Playgrounds. By now, I've tried a bit of everything (Python, Godot, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Pygame, Flask, Strudel, Swift, Go). I'm still learning a bit of everything.
I only code as a hobby for fun in my free time, so I'm definitely not professional.
Beyond coding, history fascinates me.
Music is another passion of mine — I enjoy both listening and creating (with my Guitar + Akai MPK mini + GarageBand). Occasionally, I play low-elo chess and AoE2 at a noob level.
Most of the time, I call myself 'em-ge' online.

about this Website

This website first went online in April 2024 and was my first big project.
The prototype of this website was built using a Flask web server. The site still runs on Flask.
Here, you can view the complete code in a repository on GitHub.
I am still working on this website and try to improve it, so please forgive any errors or issues you may encounter.


Feel free to contact me with any ideas, feedback, or suggestions. I'd love to hear from you!

find me here also:
